Finding the Right Adviser

Have you ever seen one of those Shape-O toys? It’s one of those baby toys which has holes cut to specific shapes. To complete the game, you need to make sure that you put the right shape into the right hole. A mismatch means that you won’t be able to progress or finish the game.

Finding a the right advisor can be similar to this.

Imagine each shape is a client, with unique needs and goals. Each hole is a different Adviser with skills, experiences, and a niche.

And just like in the game, these two need to line up and match perfectly, or there could be some really adverse consequences.

Who is the right Adviser for me?

In reality, finding the right Adviser is not gameplay.

Not every Financial Adviser is right for every single Australian out there.

In fact, just like any many other industries, as part of their business model Financial Advisers choose to focus on supporting different sections of the public.

Some support businesses. Others like to help young families get off the ground. Others work with people who are near the end of their career.

So when you are shopping around to find the right Adviser for you, your family, or your business, be sure to find out exactly what niche the Financial Advice firm is catering to.

If you aren’t in the “ideal client” category, pursuing a meaningful partnership with that Adviser may be like pushing water up-hill (ie. not easy, not fun and you will probably end up disappointed and soaked).

Likewise, if the Adviser does not regularly work with people like you, with similar history, situations or goals, then you may not be getting the best possible advice. You may not flourish as brightly as you could have done, should you have chosen the Adviser perfectly fit for your unique needs.

Our perfect match

Here at Stephan Independent Advisory, we are clear about who we love to work with. And these clients are:

  • family businesses, and
  • charitable families.

We choose to work with these types of clients because we are passionate about these areas; family, business, and giving back to our community.

These values are so important to James and I. Focussing our efforts on supporting like-minded people through sound Financial Advice fills our cups, plays to our strengths, and keeps us happy as we know that we can achieve great things for these types of clients.

It is a tradition started by our father, and we are proud to continue this in his name.

What if we don’t quite fit?

Finding the perfect fit between Adviser and Client is so important to us. We believe that we have a professional obligation to our colleagues, and the community, to uphold the idea of great financial advice.

So, if at any point in time we discover that we may not be the right Adviser for you, we can make some recommendations for some other firms that may be better suited.

Getting a good outcome for your financial situation is our number one priority.

Find out more about who we work with here!

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